I want to die

Soul Poison

"It's a five-frog day. Wow! Keep up the good work, frogs." Peep my other site

My Favourite Metals:

Weaver's Bonny

You must answer my questions nine, sing ninety-nine and ninety
Or you're not God's, you're one of mine, you're the weaver's bonny

If you don't answer my questions nine, sing ninety-nine and ninety
I'll take you off to hell alive, you're the weaver's bonny

What is softer than the silk, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And what is whiter than the milk, you're the weaver's bonny

Down is softer than the silk, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And snow is whiter than the milk, I'm the weaver's bonny

What is louder than a horn, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And what is sharper than a thorn, you're the weaver's bonny

Thunder is louder than a horn, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And hunger is sharper than a thorn, I'm the weaver's bonny

What is higher than a tree, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And what is deeper than the sea, you're the weaver's bonny

Heaven is higher than a tree, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And hell is deeper than the sea, I'm the weaver's bonny

What's more innocent than a lamb, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And what is meaner than womankind, you're the weaver's bonny

A babe's more innocent than a lamb, sing ninety-nine and ninety
And the devil is meaner than womankind, I'm the weaver's bonny

You have answered my questions nine, sing ninety-nine and ninety
You are God's, you're not one of mine, you're the weaver's bonny

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